Scores / Schedule


Director of Fun

On a cold December night in the Adirondack Mountains…… a litter of wolf pups were born.  Immediately, the mother wolf realized that one of her pups was unlike the rest.  This pup had a gold-colored coat while the others were all gray.  The golden wolf pup also had dark rings surrounding its light blue eyes, something that no other wolves in the pack had ever seen before and made him unique to all the rest.

As the wolf continued to grow big and strong, it became more evident that this one particular pup was unlike any wolf in the pack.  Aside from its appearance, this wolf never seemed to tire and was always the leader of his pack.  While all the wolves would play, the others would eventually tire out and rest.  This wolf, however, would use that time to run off and roam the mountainside on his own, gravitating to the scent of smoke and fire from people camping on the trails.  The wolf was mesmerized by the flames and would sit and howl by the fires for hours dreaming to one day rule a den of his own.

As the wolf continued his adventures, one day he found his way in front of an arena right in the heart of the Capital Region. This arena was a gathering place where people came from all over to watch sports and root on their hometown heroes.  The wolf knew right then that this is where he needed to be, where he wanted to call home and make a den of his own.

Wanting to rule his den and continue his adventures, the wolf built a team of warriors to compete and represent his land.  He called his team the FireWolves and together they could not be stopped.

The arena, formerly known as the Times Union Center, is now HIS home!  This arena, his Wolves den, is HIS to protect.  This alpha is loyal to his pack, but fierce to his foe.  

Join his pack, starting in December, as he continues the games in the arena, his den and his Albany FireWolves begin their inaugural season.

Introducing The Wolf of Pearl Street, Alphie, the Alpha Wolf!

Alphie Photo

Albany FireWolves